Strategic Planning of Raiffeisen Bank

Strategic planning of
Raiffeisen BANK

Course: Principles of Management
Mentor: Mirna Korican, MBA, MA in Psychology

Zagreb, November 2009.  

1. Introduction 2

2. Strategic Planning 5

2.1. SWOT analysis 6
2.2. PEST analysis 8
2.3. GAP analysis 9
2.4. Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals 9

3. Strategic Planning of Raiffeisen BANK 10

3.1. Basic information of Raiffeisen BANK 10
3.2. Raiffeisen BANK in Croatia 11

4. Conclusion 15

5. Literature 16

6. Appendix 17

1. Introduction

Strategic planning is making choices. It is a process designed to support leaders in being intentional about their goals and methods. Simply stated, strategic planning is a management tool, and like any management tool, it is used for one purpose only—to help an organization do a better job. Strategic planning can help an organization focus its vision and priorities in response to a changing environment and ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals. Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.  

The process is strategic because it involves choosing how best to respond to the circumstances of a dynamic and sometimes hostile environment. Being strategic requires recognizing choices and committing to one set of responses instead of another.

Strategic planning is systematic in that it calls for following a process that is both structured and data based. The process raises a sequence of questions that helps planners examine past experiences, test old assumptions, gather and incorporate new information about the present, and anticipate the environment in which the organization will be working in the future.

Strategic planning involves choosing specific priorities. The collection of data should (1) surface a variety of choices about what the organization will and will...