1. Soma is the main way of infantilizing the citizens, it keeps them from going to deep into
thought. Everyone is basically trained to take soma when they are feeling any complex
emotion, to forget what emotion they are feeling and why, so they are constantly in a very
simple state of mind. In Lenina’s case, the society’s reliance on soma is shown very
clearly, whenever she has a conflict, especially Bernard, she heavily relies on soma to
clear her head. Even when she is listening to the Warden talk about the Savage
Reservation, she sneakily takes the soma to drown out what he is saying and only making
her mind be able to respond something simple, like “You don’t say so.” Bernard is not
only physically odd, but also emotionally odd in comparison to society. Bernard very
rarely takes soma, he just bares through the pain of his emotions. Lenina thinks he is very
odd when he tries to think and look at scenery, while she only wants to listen to music.
The government seems to only want the citizens to have very simple thoughts and when
thought about in the context of their society and circumstances, seems to be a precaution,
so rebellion or revolt are not very likely to take place. The infantilization of the society
seems to be completely to benefit the government to stay in power because no one has
complex enough thoughts to challenge the ideology of their society, except for people
like Bernard, who don’t take soma very often and have complex thoughts.
2. The World State doesn’t seem to think of the citizens as people, as much as items that
they have power over. The government has the power to influence their thoughts greatly,
to a point where Lenina is at. Lenina doesn’t even want to look at scenery when Bernard
does, she just wants listen to music because the scenery disgusts her. She automatically
thinks to take soma to distract her mind from the view. She even tries to convince ...