Summarise the Key Aspects of Current Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice Relevant to Your Subject and the Type of Organisation Within Which You Work

City & Guilds 7303 – PTLLS Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Question 2:
Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you work.
There are a huge number of laws, directives and professional ethics that need to be considered in a learning environment. Each organisation will have its own policies and proceedures that are applicable to the particular environment.
The Health and Safely at Work Act (1974) effects every single organisation, none more so than an institute of education. Even if the learners are adults there are still rules and regulations that must be adhered to and it is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure that everyone is aware of these at the beginning of a course or session. As suggested by Linda Wilson (2008) a teacher should “demonstrate a model of best practice, lead by example” (p.19). Risk Assessments are also the responsibility of the teacher in order to establish practices that minimize risk and record higher risk activities.
Teachers must respect the Disability Discrimination Act (1995 and onwards) alongside current Equal Opportunity Legislation these series of laws have been passed to ensure that no one is discriminated against irrespective of any disability (physical or mental) they may have or their gender, age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or social/domestic circumstances. According to Linda Wilson (2008):
For the teacher this means ensuring language, handouts and other learning materials are free from bias, and that inappropriate comments are challenged and excluded from the classroom. When advertising courses and delivering learning, a teacher should not stereotype or in any way disadvantage groups of learners. The environment and all support structures should enable access and include facilities to meet all learners’ needs. (p.21)
Every organisation that holds information on...