Summarise the Key Aspects of Current Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice Relevant to Your Subject and the Type of Organisation Within Which You Would Like to Work.

As a teacher in the lifelong learning it is my duty to understand all the current legislatives requirements, policies and procedures as well as the code of practice. It is important that I keep up-to-date with these requirements and it is my responsible to ensure that it is adhered to and I know what procedure to follow if this not the case.
In my role as a teacher in the lifelong learning I must be aware of the key policies of and procedures of the institution I would work for. I need to adhere to all the legislations outlined below and have particular awareness of any legislatives responsibilities relevant to my teaching subject.  

• Health and Safety at Work   Act 1974
• Sex Discrimination Act   1975 (Amendment Regulations 2008)
• Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment Act 2000 and Amendment Regulations 2003)
• Disabilities Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment 2005)
• Special Education Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001
• Human Right Act 1998
• Data Protection Act 2004
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places overall responsibility for health and safety with the employer. Who this is varies with the type of school.( health and safety act 1974 in schools. online Accessed 30 March 2010).

The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 sets a duty to all public bodies to promote disability equality. (Open University, online, Accessed 30 March 2010).
I intend to work as teacher in the lifelong learning and my subject area would be mathematics. The Institute for Learning (IfL) which is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standard of practice and behaviour among its members. As such it is my duty to incorporate in my teaching the six core principles, set and annually reviewed in the Code of Professional Practice by the Institute for Learning, which are:
• Integrity
• Respect
• Care
• Practice
• Disclosure
• Responsibility

In a mathematics class I would not have many equipment can classified as Health Hazards, however, If I am have...