
1a. You must secure that no person under 18 uses sunbeds on relevant premises which the business relates.   This means they cannot highlight offers to under 18s nor are they allowed in the restricted zone unless it’s an employee carrying out duties there. Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010 S2(1)(a),(b) and (c) pg25

Relevant premises relate to premises occupied or managed by the owner for the purpose of the business and are not for domestic purposes.   SRA 2010 S2(2)(a) and (b) pg 25.

A restricted zone is a fully or partially enclosed space limited only for the use of the sunbed placed in that area or a room where the whole room is a restricted zone.

1b. To commit an offence in a sunbed business, the owner would be responsible for a summary conviction of a fine up to £20,000.   If the owner can prove that she took all reasonable precautions and care in training her staff then she may be able to argue her defence. SRA 2010 S2(6) and (7) pg26

2. It is possible for an under 18 to use a sunbed on medical grounds. This would be in the form of a medical exemption given by a doctor for medical treatment. The under 18 would have to use a dedicated sunbed in, or provided by, an independent hospital or clinic in Wales or hospital in England. SRA 2010   S3(5)(a) and (b) pg27

A dedicated sunbed being a sunbed made available for the sole use of medical treatment. SRA 2010 S3(5)pg26.   This would then be provided by a registered healthcare professional. SRA 2010 S3(1)(a)pg26

Also, with a medical exemption, (SRA 2010 Section 2(1)(a) and (c)pg25) which states that an under 18 cannot use, take up offers   or be in restricted zones will now not apply. SRA 2010   S3(2)(3) and (4)pg26.

3a. Nikki being 18 it isn’t illegal for her to book a sunbed session, she is old enough to use the sunbed, take advantage of the offers and be in the restricted zones on relevant premises. SRA 2010 S2(1)(a)(b) and (c) pg25. So you would be able to have Nikki as a customer.

Mandy is only...