
Unit 511 - Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care or children and young people’s settings (LM2c)

1. Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care of children and young people’s work settings

1.1 - Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision
The main principle of professional supervision is for a manager/supervisor to provide regular, allocated time to team members to give each person the opportunity to discuss any concerns and roles and responsibilities in a safe, confidential environment. The aim of professional supervision is to identify any problems and work together to find solutions and continuously improve practice. It is important that both the supervisor and supervisee clearly understand what is expected of them in order to get the most out of each supervision.   During supervision it may be useful for the supervisor to utilise any coaching/mentoring techniques they may have previously learnt. Not only is it important to discuss concerns and provide constructive criticism, it is also very important to recognise good work to ensure that the supervisee feels appreciated and valued.

The scope and purpose of professional supervision is for the supervisor and supervisee to come together and reflect and evaluate on their work practice. Supervision helps to improve the service delivered and ensure a good quality of service is maintained. Supervision can be delivered in a number of different ways such as on a one to one basis between the supervisor and the supervisee, team meetings, handovers and appraisals. As a whole, supervision is in place to ensure that all people who use services within health and social care settings are receiving the best service possible and are able to lead independent and fulfilling lives.