Support Individuals to Eat and Drink

Support individuals to eat and drink

Outcome 1 Be able to support individuals to make choices about food and drink
1.1 You should always check the individuals care plan and any risk assessments regarding their dietary needs, prior to establishing the food and drink they wish to consume. The individual may have specific dietary needs 9diabetic-no sugar) or foods that should be avoided (allergies-foods containing peanuts). Their choices could also be influenced by their cultural or religious beliefs. They may be vegetarian and abstain from eating meat or Muslim and not eat any pork,. The individual should also be offered a choice of the way they like their food cooked e.g. eggs can be boiled, scrambled, poached, fried, hard, soft, etc. By asking the individual and giving them choices of the foods available you will be fulfilling their needs and preferences. Their preferences should also be recorded in their care plan.

1.2 A carer should have   knowledge of any illness which the individual may be suffering from. Certain foods can improve or make worse certain conditions. E.g. it is not suitable to drink alcohol whilst taking certain medication such as antibiotics or warfarin. fish can help sufferers of arthritis whilst beef can worsen the inflammation. If the individual requests a roast dinner, offer chicken instead of beef and explain why this would be more appropriate. Although it is not the expectation to know all the foods which have a direct effect on an individual's illness, the care plan should take these into account and should be followed where possible.   Advice and information should be provided   to the individual regarding nutrition and ensure there is a well balanced meals. The balance of nutrients in a meal should be correct regardless of the size of the meal.
Individuals should be encouraged to eat:
• Plenty of fruit and vegetables - at et least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. A good source of...