1.1 The potential benefits of recommended therapies to an individuals health and well being are it can give you a
new point of view, can bring meaning back into your life, can help you grow as a person, can boost your
self-confidence and also help you make a decision.
1.2 Therapies can go wrong if they are of poor quality or the wrong type, it can make the individual feel even
worse than they did in the beginning.
2.1 Agreement on an individuals needs and preferences about continuing a recommended therapy i would report
any changes good/bad to the office and ask the client how they are feeling about it.
2.2 To provide opportunities for an individual to access information about the benefits of continuing the
recommended therapy i would inform the office and they could gather information and pass it on.
2.3 How to overcome an individuals fears or concerns about continuing the recommended therapy i would find
out information about the therapy and reassure the client and explain how it can benefit them.
3.1 To clarify with the therapist information needed before providing support for the therapy i would pass
information on to the office and they would do the contact with therapies needed.
3.2 To promote active participation during therapy id encourage, ask how the client feels and what the client
thinks about it.
3.3 Address difficulties encountered during therapy i would be aware of a risk assessment and follow it, direct
threat stop i would contact the office and also if it wasnt.
3.4 Reference 3.2
4.1 Establish with the individual and others what observations need to be made during therapy sessions, which
would be whatever's stated in the care plan.
4.2 Reference 4.1 - Always follow the care plans
4.3 To record agreed observations we fill in a daily log on each visit, which is kept in the clients home at all times.
4.4 Reference 3.4 - information passed on to the office.