Supporting Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum

Module 3:

Produce an essay that reflects on the study you have undertaken and presents a clear and critical evaluation of appropriate theory and practice.

Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate an awareness of the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Core Curriculum and background to the Skills for Life Agenda.
Identify a range of innovative and creative ways of engaging learners with literacy and numeracy
Demonstrate understanding of the socio-economic and personal factors that can create barriers to learning, especially related to literacy and numeracy

In 1999 Sir Claus Moser published a groundbreaking report A Fresh Start which identified that 7 million adults in England and Wales could not read at a level expected of an 11-year old.   His research suggested that, due to their lack of basic literacy and numeracy skills, millions of adults were being excluded from social and economic opportunities.

These skills have been defined by the Basics Skills Agency as:

“The ability to read, write and speak in English/Welsh and to use mathematics at a level necessary to function and progress at work and in society in general.”
                                                                    (Basic Skills Agency, 2007)

In response to the Moser report the government developed its Skills for Life policy (2001) which identified the particular groups disadvantaged by lack of these skills: the unemployed; prisoners and those supervised in the community; public sector, low-skilled and young adult workers.   Other groups at risk of exclusion include those with specific learning difficulties and speakers of English as a second language.

Skills for Life also stated that poor literacy, language and numeracy skills cost the UK in excess of £10 billion a year. According to employers, business, in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy, is lost or cannot be generated due to the poor language and literacy skills...