Assignment 2: Report
You are required to produce a Report of between 2,500 and 3,500 words on the following:
Testbury, a major retail company, has applied for planning permission to build a large retail store (7,500 sq metres) and 280 houses and flats, with associated car parking, on a 1.8 hectare site fronting Old Street, Islington.
The site is in the ownership of Islington Council, and is currently occupied by housing, a community centre, small retail units, a health facility, amenity space, garages and car parking.
A residents group has written to the Council raising 8 objections to the proposal:
a. it would cause the loss of the existing local health facility;
b. it would be contrary to national planning policies concerning retail development, and cause a loss of trade to an important local shopping centre in Whitecross Street;
c. it would cause a significant loss of trade to an existing local convenience store directly opposite the development site, and probable closure;
d. it would cause a loss of sunlight and daylight to the windows of houses adjoining the site;
e. it would provide insufficient affordable housing (20%) for local people;
f. it would fail to provide any scheme guaranteeing that local people are employed in the retail store;
g. the poor design of the public spaces will result in more incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area, and increase people’s concerns for their safety and security;
h. Local people do not want the development to proceed: there is already a petition of over 3,500 local residents and businesses against the proposal.
/ Assignment 2 continued
The Chair of the Planning Committee has asked you to prepare a briefing report for local ward councillors on the process for dealing with this application, and to review the range of planning issues that can be taken into account....