
SWOT Analysis for Group-2
Team 2 Benefits and Opportunities
We consider that as a group we have many benefits derived from the various skills and experiences of the group.   These are soft skills such as: hard working skills, focus, enthusiasm, good communication, and flexibility.   In addition to soft skills we possess hard skills such as: numerical, technical, critical thinking, management experience, organisational skills, and process driven.
Our opportunities are wide and varied and include the options of improving writing skills, networking, learning about new cultures and understanding better how business works.   Ultimately we expect to gain more credibility and confidence through our participation in the MBA.
However, there are some weaknesses which we need to work on.   There is a tendency for us to act impetuously without thinking properly about our approach or without necessarily doing the detailed reading to deepen our understanding.
As well as continuing to work on our weaknesses, we have identified some threats which are generally outside of our control, such as a lack of time, clarity over what is required of us or some confusion over the content.   Additionally, the pressure to succeed can result in a change in behaviour often driven by an actual or perceived threat of increased competition.

STRENGTHFocusedHard workingEnthusiasticManagerial experienceNumericAccountingBusiness systemsPositive AttitudePersuasionTechnical   aptitude – software & hardwareOrganised CreativeFlexibleGood communication skillsCritical thinkerResearching skills | WEAKNESSImpetuousMore thoughtful in approachEasily boredTendency to laziness Should read morePerfection is not a driving force |
OPPORTUNITIESImprove writing & research skillsImprove critical thinkingUnderstand   Western cultureNetworkingLeverage differentiating characteristicsDeveloping leadership skillsLearning how business worksThinking bigImprove confidenceGain credibilityImprove communicationImprove...