
Course Assignments:
1. Capstone Discussion Question
• Post your response to the following in 150 to 200 words: If you were an environmental researcher and were giving funding to assist with one environmental issue, which of the following topics would you choose to spend your funds on?
o Human population
o Atmospheric pollution
o Water resources
o Terrestrial resources
o Energy conservation
• What influenced your choice? What would the ultimate goal of your research be?
2. Final Project: Mitigation Strategies and Solutions
• Resource: Appendix A
• Use the topic you chose as an environmental researcher for the week nine capstone discussion question or choose another topic you have learned about over the past 8 weeks.
• Focus on a specific environmental problem within your selected topic. Your topic, for example, could be atmospheric issues, and your environmental problem could be global warming.
• Write a 1,750 to 2,100 word paper that formulates a mitigation plan for your specific environmental problem that includes the following:
o A detailed description of the problem.
o Nonliving and living factors that contribute to or are affected by the problem.
o Positive or negative human impacts.
o Evaluation of current sustainability strategies and solutions.
o Your plan to reach sustainability (see Appendix F).
o Benefits and challenges of your plan.
o Required government, societal, and global support.
• Include at least four outside sources. Two of the four sources should be peer-reviewed. If you need assistance with identifying a peer-reviewed article, review Appendix G.
• Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Use the Axia Writing Guide, found in the Center for Writing Excellence, for assistance.
• Post you paper as an attachment.
• No late assignments are accepted in Week 9. Everything must be posted by midnight, September 19th!
Summary of Week 9 Deliverables
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