Tango Dancing-Newspaper Article

Tango in Red Major, a show put on by Gustavo Russo, an argentianian choreographer and dancer, is the reason I am writing this article. The dance (tango), the passion (red) and the music (RE-major) worked together harmonically to put on a sensual, extravagant show.
Tango is primarily a musical genre. In order to ameliorate the visual aspects of tango music genre, the dancing style and unique moves of Tango dancing (the dance with the stop "Baille Con Carte") were introduced in the lower class of Buenos Aires, especially in the "Bario de las Ranas".
Early tango was known as tango criollo, or simply tango. Today, there are many tango dance styles, including Argentine Tango, Uruguayan Tango, Ballroom tango (American and International styles), Finnish tango and vintage tangos. What many consider to be the authentic tango is that closest to that originally danced in Argentina and Uruguay, though other types of tango have developed into mature dances in their own right.
Ballroom Tango clothing was dictated by full skirts for the woman and gauchos with high boots and spurs for the man. In the early 19th Century, the Tango was a solo dance performed by the woman. The Andalusian Tango was later done by one or two couples walking together using castanets. Soon after, the dance was considered immoral with its flirting music!
The story of Tango as told is that it started with the gauchos of Argentina. They wore chaps that had hardened from the foam and sweat of the horses’ body. Hence to gauchos walked with knees flexed. They would go to the crowded night clubs and ask the local girls to dance. Since the gaucho hadn't showered, the lady would dance in the crook of the man's right arm, holding her head back. Her right hand was held low on his left hip, close to his pocket, looking for a payment for dancing with him. The man danced in a curving fashion because the floor was small with round tables, so he danced around and between them.
The dance spread throughout...