
‘It is always present in you. You can use it anyway way you want,’ a quote from the believed official founder of Taoism Lao Tze.
Taoism; both a philosophy and a religion from within ancient China around 6th century BC, based on the Chinese term The Tao. Meaning the way or natural path of things.
The religious aspect of Taoism it is more mystical and superstitious than the philosophical side; with potions and rituals as an everyday activity to further their quests and goals. Whereas the philosophical aspect focus’ more on world theories and the expansion of the Tao
Taoists have life purpose a life purpose to achieve Tao, to find the way. The way that’s was ultimately a presence that existed before the universe was created, existed before everything as we know it and has always existed. Taoism has no exact reason as to how the universe was formed but there are many mystical theories that are inconsistent and contradictory to their beliefs. Taoists both philosophical and religious are curious and are on quests for knowledge including their quest for immortality and the overall achievement of The Tao. By gaining longevity Taoists will expand their knowledge and result in the accomplishment of The Tao and finally being ultimately as one and in harmony with the universe.
It is believed that independence is vital as the follower searches for ones inner self this includes learning and discovering things independently. These characteristics of Taoism are what make this religion and philosophy so diverse and varied to suit each believer so personally,
Both aspects of Taoism focus on eternal life and immortality although if/when death arrives; it is not feared with the well-known knowledge of the other aspect of reality waiting. Life and death are two of the same; they are both partial to the one reality that is thought of as equal. But by saying this it is not desired either, but is accepted. This acceptance is essential to natural way of things, it is the Tao. To...