4 Pieces of legislation that are important are:
* Childcare Act (2006)
Introduced the Early Years Foudation Stage (EYFS) in England
* Data Protection Act (1998)
Prevents confidential and personal information being passed on without a person’s consent. In the case of children consent must be given by the parents.
* Children Act (2004)
Arose from the Green paper “Every Child Matters” and identifies five outcomes for all children;
1) Be healthy
2) Stay safe
3) Enjoy and achieve
4) Make a positive contribution
5) Achieve economic well-being
* Equality Act (2006)
Legislation to protect people in the workplace and in a wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single act.
These would be shown to parents in my policy and procedure files.
The regulatory body for England is OFSTED. They have processes and systems to control home-based childminders and these are as follows:
* Registration
Covers checks on myself and any other adults within my household.
* Inspection
Inspectors carry out checks on the service I offer and on myself. They then produce a report which is the available for parents to view on the website of the regulatory body.
* Investigation
Following any complaints or concerns,an inspector can carry out an investigation into my childcare service to ensure I am meeting and complying with the welfare requirements.This is in addition to an inspection
* Enforcement
If I don’t meet the welfare requirements or standards of my Country,the regulatory body can take action against me.
I would have the relevant certificates on display. Have details on where they can find details of my inspections, show them my complaints book.