Task 4 - Career Pathways.
Links to Learning Outcome 4, Assessment Criteria 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

Task 4 - Career pathways.
Links to learning outcome 4, assessment criteria 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.
4.1 Explore different types of occupational opportunities.
On completion of Health and Social Care Diploma Level 3 leaners can progress to various job roles, dependent on their chosen pathway. The following list indicates the opportunities available:
Home care assistants
Residential Care

Working in the community
Adult Services
Children, Families and Young People’s services
Allied Health Professionals

Health care scientist

4.2 Identify sources of information related to a chosen career pathway.

Care homes

Care workers


Work placement

Local or national colleges Brochures

4.3 Identify next steps in own career pathway.
After graduation find a job in A my chosen career path a Career in Social Care.

After graduations find a job in my chosen career path a Career in Social Care.
Graduating in 2017
Starting Univercity 2014
Volunteer from now.

Task 5 - Issues of public concern and how these may influence changes in the sector. Links to learning outcome 5, assessment criteria 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.
5.1 Identify occasions where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within the sector.
One concern that has been raised by the public is Discharging patients and their care in the community which has been recognized as vital. Thousands of patients elderly and vulnerable people are being discharged from hospital in the middle of the night is extremely concerning.
5.2 Outline different viewpoints around an issue of public concern relevant to the sector.
There are some key problems in hospitals failing to meet essential standards.
Some of those points would be concerned patients and their families and overworked hospital staff who are poorly trained and the hygiene of the hospital not always been of a high standard.
Regarding patients' dignity it said that, curtains were not...