Tda 2.4

1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity.
In the setting there is a range of policies which formally sets out guidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. Policies takes account of the rights of all individuals and groups within the school as well as considering the ways policies work to ensure equality, inclusion, policies also pay regards
Equality Act 2010 Provides equal opportunities for all citizens, This Act include 9 equality laws, which includes;
Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, Equality Act 2006, Part 2, Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or a disability.
Humans right Act1 1998
Children Act 1989
Education Act 1996
1.2 Describe the importance of supporting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality of access.
All children have the right to access all the opportunities which are on offer in the school provision; this should be supported by high quality teaching and learning experience.
All schools have a duty to make sure all pupils have equal access to the curriculum no matter what your background is.
Children and young people are regarded highly as essential contributors in every aspect of decisions that affect them within the school planning and delivery of services that support and meet their needs, this is the best way a child and young person can get the best possible start in life, they should never ever be underestimated the huge contribution they will make and also bring fresh ideas.
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