The school has a health and safety statement which states that its intent is to:
* Implement the requirements of North Yorkshire County Council’s Health and Safety Policy
* To make adequate arrangements for health, safety and welfare of staff and pupils
* To provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from our work activities
* To consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety
* Co-operate with the LEA in matters related to health and safety
* To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
* To ensure safe handling and use of substances
* To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
* To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
* To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health
* To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
* To review and revise the policy as necessary and at regular intervals
It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that they report any safety issues which they might identify.
There are designated people who are responsible for the Health and Safety within the school, these are as follows:
Overall responsibility for health and safety within the school is that of the governing body and is monitored by Headteacher, H&S Governers
Day to day responsibility for ensuring the policy is put into practice is delegated to Lead Officer, School H&S Co-ordinator and H&S Governers
To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas, Head Teacher, Site Manager, H&S Governers.
Specific functionsnm cvbx are given to subject coordinators for monitoring Health and Safety within subject areas. Coordinators must be competent to undertake the health and safety responsibilities and have adequate resources to enable them to do their job properly.