ASSIGNMENT ONE Supporting the Teacher
1. My role as a Teaching Assistant is to create a positive and safe environment in which children can learn. I would make sure I knew I had the knowledge to use the percussion instruments and if I was unsure I would ask the Teacher the instrument names and how to use them properly. Before the start of the lesson I would make sure any pupil with behavioural problems were minimized for a smoother lesson. The Teaching Assistant should also check the area the equiment is to be used in is a safe, suitable space and there will be room to use all the instruments provided. Also, before the lesson starts all the instruments should be checked so they are in good, working order and not damaged in any way, if there are any damaged they should be removed and I would then report this to the Teacher.
When we begin the lesson, as a role model, I would show the pupils how to use the instruments safely and responsibly. Any pupil with unsuitable behaviour will be dealt with accordingly and reported to the Teacher as this would disrupt the other pupils learning.
Any pupils having trouble using any instrument, as a Teaching Assistant, I would help accordingly and to achieve a positive outcome for the lesson.
At the end of the lesson I would help the Teacher and pupils to clear all the instruments and put them away safely. If all the instruments are put away correctly then the next person to use them for a lesson will have a smooth transition.