The 1990s was truly the electronic age. We would not have been able to publish our decades web site if it weren't for the Internet. The World Wide Web was born in 1992, changing the way we communicate (email), spend our money (online gambling, stores), and do business (e-commerce). By 1994, 3 million people were online. And by 1998, this figure increased to 100 million people. It is estimated that by 2001, some 1 billion people will be connected. Internet lingo like plug-ins, BTW (by the way), GOK (God only knows), IMHO (in my humble opinion), FAQS, SPAM, FTP, ISP, and phrases like "See you online" or "The server's down" or "Bill Gates" became part of our everyday vocabulary. We signed our mail with a :-) smile, a ;-) wink, or a :-* kiss. And - everyone has a cell phone (even Jason at right!)
Population: 281,421,906 (2000 Census) | Unemployment: 5.8 million, or 4.2% (Sept 99) | National Debt: $5,413.l Million (1997) | Average Salary: $13.37/hr (1999) | Teacher's Salary: $39,347 (1998) | Minimum Wage: $5.15/hr (1997) | Life Expectancy: Male 73.1 Female 79.1(1997) | Auto Deaths: 49,772 (1997)
The purpose of this web and library guide is to help the user gain a broad understanding and appreciation for the culture and history of the 1990s. In a very small way, this is a bibliographic essay. While we cannot link to everything, we have attempted to find areas of special interest and to select information that we will hold dear tomorrow - movies we still watch, songs we sing, food we enjoy, events that move us, people we admire.
To see the whole picture, we encourage users to browse all the way through this page and then visit the suggested links for more information on the decade. We believe the best way to immerse oneself in a topic is to use both Internet and the library. Maybe the most valuable information is best read in books, or viewed on video, or heard on audio cassettes. More...