At some point in a person’s life there is a transition. This transition is when speaking like a teenager is transformed into adult professional speech. This is a very important and necessary step in someone’s life if they expect to be a successful part of the professional world. The difference between the two types of language must be determined in order to properly make the transition. These differences include, but are not limited to, vocabulary usage. For example, professional words have clear and defined meanings, while teenagers tend to use slang. Also, these two groups of people have different ways of performing greetings. Some of which in the teenage world would be professionally disrespectful. In addition, sentence usage of adult professional language and teen verbiage are quite different by comparison. Complete sentences are necessary for adults while most statements used by teens are unclear and open for misinterpretation. Knowing these differences are imperative when trying to step from the teenage world into the world of the professional adult.
Talking professionally and clearly is a very important aspect of the adult world. It is imperative in some cases that the meanings of words and statements are easily determined, because the slightest confusion could result in costly and dangerous mistakes. For example, when serving in the military there are specific orders given during times of emergency. These orders are usually broken down into different tasks and duties assigned to different sailors on a ship. If these commands aren’t clearly interpreted, then lives could be lost. Also, professional greetings are very important in the life of an adult because it shows a glimpse of a person’s respect factor. When greeting someone, it is common to address them with a title and combine it with a handshake. For example, when on a job interview it is common courtesy to greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, as well as address them by their proper title....