Telescopes in Astronomy

Telescopes in Astronomy
October 08, 2012

Telescopes in Astronomy

Telescopes were thought to be created in the year 1608; the earliest known refracting telescopes were created using a tube with a convex objective lens with a concave eyepiece.   These devices were designed to assist users in gaining a better view of things that were further away.   Initially they were primarily used aboard sea going vessels it was eventually found that they can also view things such as the moon, stars and anything in the heavens much more closely.   Unfortunately back in the early 17th century the telescopes were not that powerful and it was not until the mid 17th century that more powerful telescopes were being built.   Later astronomers realized that if you build a strong enough telescope and place them in the right spot the view of the night sky could be scientifically spectacular.
  * How Telescopes Changed Our Lives
  * Telescopes have been an instrumental tool for how astronomers view the stars, ever since Galileo used his in 1609 to look towards the sky and study the moon and the Milky Way galaxy as whole, the world was forever changed.   It was with these devices that we learned that the earth is not the center of the solar system or the universe.   With telescopes we learned that the moon has craters and mountains, and that Jupiter has storms and that other planets also have their own distinct weather patterns.   With newer and more powerful telescopes we learned that there are other galaxy’s, planets and objects roaming the universe, humans were even able to finally understand what the speed of light really comes down to as a value and unit.   We have learned so much about the universe through these devices, we know no there are billions of stars and planets and billions of galaxies in the universe.   Our understanding of the Sun and our own solar system has grown largely due to telescopes and as time goes on and they improve we are no doubt going to be able to...