The Cs-Key

The C’s | What does it mean? | Examples? |
Completeness | Knowing all the facts before you write. You must understand all the details, and only include the necessary details. | You must know:Who?: Who is the letter to?Why?: Why are you writing?What?: What are you writing about?Where?: Where is it?How?: How do you do it?When?: When is it? |
Clearness | Knowing who you are writing for and your purpose for writing. Using familiar words, avoiding technical jargon, making documents readable and writing clearer. | Say:Before, after, do ,pay, find out, send, helpful, use, aware, require.Don’t say:Prior to, subsequent to, accomplish, reimburse, determine, transmit, advantageous, utilize, cognizant. |
Concreteness | You write concretely when you paint a clear and definite picture in the reader’s mind. Creating clear mental pictures and avoiding disagreeable mental pictures. | Try to use more precise substitute words: product, campaign, or process.Avoid vague words: a few, low, nice, slow. |
Correctness | Correctness means that there is no mistake of grammar, punctuation and spellings. It should be grammatically correct. All information should be accurate and timely. In our messages we should include fact words and figures, writing should be perfect and clean, language should be of correct level and there should be proper grammar punctuation, spelling and paragraphing. | -She was said by others , she love eating and to play.- She loves eating and playing. |
Conciseness | Conciseness means to convey information in fewest possible words. We should keep in mind the reader’s knowledge of the subject and their time constraints. So our message should complete without being wordy. | - There are three fine restaurants on Sixth Street.- Sixth Street has three fine restaurants. |
Courtesy | To establish positive relationships, you must use positive words and you must put yourself in the readers place | Positive words: Please/Thank/Appreciate/etcNegative words:...