The Doll's House

A Stylistic Analysis of The Doll’s House
Dra. Dina Dyah Ks, MA.

Abstract: Analisis Stilistika pada cerita pendek The Doll’s House mencoba menggunaka pendekatan lexico-grammar analysis untuk menelaah hubungan personal dan emosional antar tokoh-tokoh didalamnya. Secara tehnis pilihan pengarang pada penggunaan article, deixes dan konstruksi pesan yang disampaikan melalui dialog dan argumen tokoh-tokoh kecilnya, merupakan pilihan yang sengaja dibuat untuk menajamkan konflik antar kelas. Kata-kata kunci:

INTRODUCTION The Doll’s House (TDH) was written by Katherine Mansfield in 1922. This is a story about little girls from different class society in England who lived in the writer’s time. Boddy (1988), acknowledged that TDH is Mansfield’s best-known and most accessible story that few who read it can forget the little lamp and the reality of the children’s playground. The main concern of this essay is to see the way the writer exposes the lamp. Since we will see the lamp is the center of attention. The relation between the lamp, the children and the class conflict is crucial in presenting the theme of the story. Besides as the central point, the lamp functions as a channel for the readers to get acquaintance with the children from different families with different social status and with the social values that encompass them. Else Kelvey has a significant role to bring the theme of the story. These children are the representation of their different societies (They are called the theme bearer). The analysis, therefore, will be focused on them. Due to limited space, only part of TDH with strong description of each theme bearer attractive to the readers will be analysed. The analysis is done on the basis of clause division. As suggested by Hasan (1985) a story can be divided into some movements which can be seen from the perspective of its causal sequences. In this way, the movements will become apparently meaningful and interpretable. On the contrary, if the movement...