The Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame

By creating the character Claudius to be manipulative Shakespeare is developing the idea, that fear can cause a hasty foresight that causes negative consequences. But by Shakespeare creating the characters Horatio and Marcellus, Shakespeare is trying to show us that there are also characters that think before making a decision, which is a good thing with positive outlooks, versus negative consequences and not thinking before taking action. When it comes to making a decision it`s better to take your time and make a better decision, and think of all the positives and negatives that could occur from each decision you were to make. With the adding of the character Laertes, it is almost as if he is a character in between one who thinks before taking action, and one that doesn`t. Also being a very weak minded and vulnerable being, making it easier for Claudius to manipulate him and use Laertes to Claudius` advantage.

In the shoes of Claudius, where any move he makes it causes more and more negative consequences not only for himself but also for others that are around him. When he gets into the slightest bit of fear, he tries to kill Hamlet, by using anyone or anything around him, so he doesn`t get his hands even more dirty than they already are, for he fears that Hamlet will try and steal the throne from him. But in all truth Hamlet doesn’t want the throne at the moment he just wants justice for god, for his father’s murder.   The reason why Hamlet wants justice for god is because in the Elizabethan Era, they strictly believed in what the church said, is what went. With that being, it was believed that the nobles were put there by god, and that the priests were the god’s servants. With Hamlet being a noble, so Hamlet being placed there by god, he makes many references in the play as to he is there for god, them all meaning the same thing. He`s there for god`s purposes, he`s there to gain revenge for himself, but also to get justice for god and kill Claudius, for the...