Money as a tool or medium in my life. Since I am lacking money these days I have to speculate and speak on what I would do if I had money and what I would use it for. I can discuss how hard it is to not have money. Without money it is hard to pay for basic things like electricity. I recently went through this a couple of months ago. I was forced to pawn several items: my dead mother's jewelry including her wedding rings, my husband's rings and a collector handgun, and my macbook laptop that I got especially for school. Even after doing all of that my electric still got cut and was off for a week. We struggle week to week to make ends meet. Money functions as a means to an end in personal, corporate, and national relationships. Money means freedom, power, success, secuirty, and help in all three of these areas. For most people including myself money is a way to be free. Money makes it possible to pay bills, purchase food, clothes, as well as buying things for entertainment. Money can be a source of happiness and strife all at the same time. In the corporate world money is also a source of power. It is one of the big motivators in business. The businesses that have the most money have the most power and will more than lkely stay in existance. It takes money to make money after all. Money is a huge source of security. It provides protection against poverty and other hardships the world and society have to provide its people that are of the "have not" population....