The Future of Crime Theory
Researchers have debated crime causation for centuries. The major reason for developing theory on crime causation is to develop appropriate and effective prevention methods (Akers & Sellers, 2004). Most theories individualize and researchers consider select influences like biological, psychological, and sociological, crime predicators. Concerned only with the nature of crime, classical crime causation theory focuses mainly on the crime and little attention on the criminal’s nature. For instance, deterrence theory is a core principle of classical school of theories. This theory holds that crime control is through fear of various degrees of punishments. Deterrence theory is a critical element of the United States justice system. Problems with this theory lie in the exclusions of ‘why’ the offender committed the crime, and ‘what’ influenced this behavior. High rates of recidivism are clear testimony to the failure of deterrence theory. New criminological research has broader views, recognizing the limitations of non-integrative theories of crime causation.
Innovative Future
Theorists are embracing integrative frameworks of examination (Barak, 2002). The appeal of integrative theories is model diversification of preventative approach allows creative multi-program based solutions. These innovative integrated theories focus on every aspect of an offender’s environment. Criminal behavior, punishment, and crime control, and social stake, all are part of an individualized approach at addressing causes of crime.
Crime causation has no true primer. Though some crimes such as robbery or theft have a directly relatable cause, typically money issues, most causes for crime are complex (American Law and Legal Information, 2011). To apply a generic punishment for crimes similar in nature fails to address the issue of recidivism. This is very apparent in violent crimes.
Differential Coercion Theory
Mark Colvin’s recent integrated crime causation...