EYMP 4 Professional practice in early years settings
Task linked to learning outcomes 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 see SHC 33
5. An explanation of the importance of anti-discriminatory/anti-bias practice, giving examples of how it is applied in practice with children and carers.
Anti-discriminatory practice increases the participation of children and their families in the local community and so it is essential to the early years setting survival. Working with children and their families reflects society’s changing views about fairness and equality, the early years area plays a important role because children learn about different ways of behaviour from a young age.
The curriculum within the setting should represent the different cultures of the children within it. Positive images, for example in books and on posters, seeing pictures of different races, disabilities, sex and age will promote an anti-bias view of the world we live in.
The setting must create an environment which is acceptable to all children regardless of their background, along with being able to make them feel welcomed, ensure they are all valued and have access in every aspect of the provision. If a child with a wheelchair attends the setting, a ramp must be in place for easy access to the building and the space between tables and activities should be large enough to accommodate a wheelchair. This is to ensure the child feels no different to any other children in the setting and are able to move as easily.
We have recently employed a new member of staff with learning difficulties and have also given the opportunity for a student from another country to gain work experience.
When it comes to anti-discrimination with parents/carer’s we gave pre-school places to children who’s parents were unable to pay for a place; we agreed on manageable instalments per month; this way the children could access an early years education and didn’t have to miss out.