The first aim and objective of this evening was to understand the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) theory, specifically looking at Albert Ellis and the Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy (REBT). Ellis believed that it isn’t the bad experiences that cause us anxiety and stress, it is the negative things that we tell ourselves repeatedly until we believe them to be true. REBT is a direct and solution-orientated therapy which focuses on resolving specific problems. It offers the client a structured approach, whereby goals are set to overcome the specific issue within an agreed set of sessions. REBT teaches that in order for a client to get better they must work hard and practise what has been taught in the session whilst they are out of counselling as well. Usually homework will be given based around the very thing that they fear, which is meant to (overtime) desensitise them to the subject matter so that it no longer becomes a big deal for them.
Ellis developed an ABC framework to show people how there negative thoughts lead to negative behaviour.
A – Activating event (something happens) eg You hear a noise in the night
B – Belief (irrational thought) eg Aliens have landed in the garden, they are going to eat me!
(rational thought) eg Its next doors cat
C – Consequence (irrational thought) leads to fear, anxiety, panic attack
(rational thought) I’m going to go back to sleep
He believed that if we changed our pattern of irrational thought (the Belief) then this in turn will change our behaviour to the situation (the Consequence).
Ellis identified that there are several types of irrational beliefs, which could be subdivided into negative self talk thoughts, these were:
Musterbation – Where people have an overwhelming need that simply ‘must’ be fulfilled
Personalisation – Where people think that a negative event/outcome has happened because they have been...