The Plane

The Plane

When I stepped into the large neatly organised white polished plane, I never though something would go wrong. The sounds of other peoples pain is what brought me awake. An extremely hot bright sunny desert island filled with shiny soft bright green palm trees containing rough bright yellow hard felt juicy apples. The simple strong plane I was in earlier shattered into little pieces of broken glass and metal when crashing onto the wet slimy coffee coloured sand and burning with red orange coloured flames. After my realisation to this heart throbbing incident I began to run pressing my eight inch footsteps into the wet squishy slimy light brown sand. Looking in every direction with my wide open eyes filled with confusion in search of other survivors. After finding four other survivors we began moving our small petite weak legs fifty inches from the painful incident. Reaching our destination which was a tiny space filled with dark shade blocking the extreme heat coming from the bright blue sky, I felt my eyelids slowly moving down my light coloured hazel eyes and found myself in a dream.

I stowed out of the flight attendant group interview session. Now, i played the waiting game, will I or won’t I receive a letter in the mail inviting me to training. What seemed like an eternity, in actuality was a week. As i move towards the letter box my hands were shaking like a tree branch on a windy day. I felt a drop of sweat racing down my forehead, towards my chin and finally landing on the unopened letter. the way that the envelope   was really thin made it noticeable. I opened the letter with a bit of hesitation and read the first line.

“Congratulations Daniel Mc Callum, you have been accepted into training class 9-01 starting June 13th, 2015”

My first angry customer came on in Maui. He was an obese man of about 50 years old and had horrendous sunburn. He had given the flight attendant in the front grief already about the plane being late. He, of...