As citizens who are able to enjoy the freedom and prosperity that war veterans and military heroes have fought for, we ought to not only honor such figureheads during holidays like Veteran’s Day or September 11th, but also at times in our daily life when we are reminded of our heroes’ courage, selflessness, and devotion to this country’s cause.
For instance, President Barack Obama’s weekly radio addresses have greatly impacted my attitude toward veterans. His descriptions of the grueling conditions and unavoidable dangers that our troops face in Iraq and Afghanistan have opened my eyes toward veterans’ and war heroes’ patriotism and determination to uphold our founding fathers’ dreams. At such mundane, unrecognized times in our day, we can still find chances to reflect upon our heroes’ deeds.
In addition, the headlines in the evening news that talk of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have also honed in me a gratefulness and veneration for military heroes. Reports and eye witness accounts that talk of the volatile situation abroad and the direct effects it has on the economic and social situation in America have prompted me to realize the cost of our country’s safety, and more importantly, the price that veterans and war heroes alike have paid to ensure a future for our posterity.
Even at school, there are times when we can all take a moment to reflect upon those in combat and those who have served before. During the canned food drive at school, I was reminded of the fact that troops experience not only the same physical ailments as we do, but also emotional ones to. What makes them so outstanding is their ability to master those (ailments) and persevere toward their cause.
It is at times like these in our life that we can honor our military heroes, for their great love of their country and their great devotion to the people. When our founding fathers first laid the groundwork for a prospering nation by...