The Roles of the Teacher and the Learning Support Practitioner in Assessment of Learners‘ Achievements

Effective assessment plays a vital role in demonstrating how a teacher teaches and how pupils learn; it also allows a teacher to reflect on the quality of their own practice as well as meeting with other teachers to share examples of pupil’s progress and discussing why they think that child is working at that particular level. One of the main responsibilities of the class teacher is to monitor and assess pupil achievement in order to observe how all children in the class are progressing, assessing a pupil will also enable a child to recognise their own achievements in order to make progress in their own learning and allow teachers to shape and adapt their teaching to a child’s individual needs.The teacher is responsible for following the curriculum, planning lessons and providing the necessary resources for the children, she will also develop and adapt learning activities to suit the requirements of each individual or groups of children setting out a clear learning objective so that learner progress can be measured and to make the children aware of their learning intentions, this will decide whether that particular child requires more or less support in their learning and targets will then be set for the child. If pupils have not made any advancement towards their learning objective, either the learning objective needs to be modified or adapted or the teaching tactics improved. A teacher’s responsibilities towards the children in their care also involve delivering an ongoing record of each child’s progress in class. Inform children about their individual performances and achievement’s. Update parents to identify their child’s strengths and areas for development and Identify individual educational needs of all the children in their class.

Support staffs role can also play a vital part when it comes to assessing a child’s progress in class, not only do we supervise children in outside areas and support children in groups but are also involved in assessing a...