The Time

How does Law Enforcement increase the level of trust exhibited by the various communities already discussed who have problems with how “police business” is conducted?
There are different ways to increase the level of trust within a community. One of the biggest ways to create trust is to lead by example. If we see an officer running a red light in his own personal vehicle how are we supposed to respect and trust them when they pull us over for the very same thing? Our textbook gives the example of “Open forums where the public can address concerns to the appropriate police agencies are instrumental in creating an atmosphere of confidence and trust.” (Robinson 2002)
What are some of the impediments to Community Oriented Policing in a diverse ethnic and socio-economic community?
Lack of funding is the biggest setback in all community based programs. This includes community Oriented policing. There is also the issue of trust from within the community. In many cases people do not trust each other due to the lack of trust for corrupt officers. They do not know who the “snitch” is or who is dirty. Lack of organization can play a part in this too. Without the right leader even the best program will fail.
With relation to previous discussions on the varying communities represented in today’s society, how is the issue of “Homeland Security” handled in the establishment of Community Partnerships
Most of the real frontlines of homeland security are outside of Washington D.C. Likely terrorists are often encountered, and the targets they might attack are protected, by local officials — a cop hearing a complaint from a landlord, an airport official who hears about a plane some pilot trainee left on the runway, an FBI agent puzzled by an odd flight school student in Arizona, or an emergency room resident trying to treat patients stricken by an unusual illness. (Markle Foundation Task Force 2002) Homeland security success depends on not only the local citizens but also5...