In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, after the Indian Wars, the United States
government outlawed the practice of traditional Native American religious ceremonies. The
Government then established Christian boarding schools which Native American children were
required, by law, to attend. While the intended purposes of the Native American boarding schools were
to “Americanize” and “civilize”, for some Native Americans the experiences and barbaric treatment
that was inflicted upon them were anything but civilized.
Indian Wars is the name used to describe conflicts between the Federal Government
and the indigenous people of North America. The Indian Wars generally resulted in the opening of
Native American lands to continued colonization. The major before-after effect on Indians was the
change from living wherever they wanted (and in many cases, having a nomadic lifestyle) to being put
on reservations. A second important effect that goes along with the first, came when the Americans
started to try to assimilate the Indians by changing their culture. This was done especially
through the use of boarding schools where Indian children were expected to lose their Indian ways and
become culturally more like white Americans. While documentation in limited to Native American life
before European colonization a poem titled “My Dreams”, by Etta Bavilla found in To Walk in Two
Worlds-Or More? Challenging a Common Metaphor Of Native Education, by Rosemary C. Henze and
Lauren Vanett gives us some insight on how it may have been:
Leaders of the past, masked,
Moved in rhythm with sounding drums,
Our land was free and unspoiled,
As animals that dwell in the sea.
Harmony reigned among the land, the sea, and my people.
The peace is gone with forgotten dreams.
The gold we seek cannot satisfy.
Stories and songs long to be in my veins, Yet I am lost.
I cannot find the...