I been researching and thinking a lot, trying to understand (or at least accept) the different points of view existing around “The veil”. After all the reading, I got a feeling of frustration and despair, thinking that there’s no way veiled women can be left alone and just be be women, veiled or not. I was asked to argument an argument, and this task has been proved to be extremely difficult to me, although I can clearly see how in almost all points of view, women are left last.
The vast majority of people see niqab wearers as “oppressed” and “abused” women. Sheema Khan from The Globe and Mail says: “True, many Canadians feel extreme discomfort with the niqab, as it often evokes negative images of the treatment of women in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia”. Khan is giving a very gentle and diplomatic explanation for the feelings of most Canadians, but this explanation lacks honesty. The painful truth is, that asides a few individuals concerned with human rights, most people don’t care about the suffering of women in the Middle East. People care about the veiled woman at the local mall or grocery store, because she is close and at the same time unavailable, she is wearing her black niqab, she can’t be read. Black, covered, she is perceived as a threat.
Mr. Jean-François Copé said: “We are therefore constantly striving to achieve a delicate balance. Individual liberty is vital, but individuals, like communities, must accept compromises that are indispensable to living together, in the name of certain principles that are essential to the common good”. Who decides what is good and what is not?
It could be hard to understand what these women are going trough, in the middle of religion, tradition, social pressure, and on top of that, “modern” people trying to “save” them with some kind of strategy that ends hurting them. Their clothes gives them the freedom to go out and work, study, live life. In their own terms and ways. We, non-muslims...