To achieve goals, in one's life, they must be determined and focused. In the play Richard III, Richard III's goal is to ascend the throne. There are two main ways that one can declare the throne, by birthright, or by might. Since Richard III cannot assert the throne by right he must therefore take it by strength. To accomplish this goal Richard, Duke of Gloucester, allies with many of his brother’s noblemen and plots to over throw the throne with nothing to stop him. Richard III is determined to achieve his goal at all costs and posses characteristics to meet his fortitude. Throughout the play Richard III, Richard has done many sinful deeds alongside his followers to obtain the crown. The audience were able to admire some of Richard’s traits however; a trait that the Duke of Gloucester and his followers lacked was their moral conscience. When were his followers’ too late to go back and realize their destiny of aiding Richard to the throne was their gateway to hell? Conscience was used humanely in Shakespeare’s melodramatic playwright. To some characters conscience was the aid to power, but for most of the characters, conscience was their downfall and is what caused many of Richard’s very loyal men to turn on him at his hour of need. It also affected Richard as it did his followers. He lost all esteem and confidence in himself. Conscience was possessed by all the characters and by the end of the play everyone was a subject to it, in one way or another.
In the play Richard III Richard of Gloucester is portrayed as a Machiavelli, one who views politics as amoral however unscrupulous or insensible it maybe. He is a villain, therefore he must also be intelligent and organized; he must know exactly what he has to do, when he has to do it and how he is going to do it. A villain must also be manipulative and persuasive, he is able to talk his way...
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