The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher are underpinned by the teaching training cycle which presents a structured process that facilitates effective teaching (Wilson, 2008). The cycle is made up of various processes and it is useful to explore these enabling a review of the functions of a teacher.
To examine the first part of the cycle, identifying the training/learning needs of the individual, one of these would be to ensure a skills match is carried out in the form of an initial assessment during the application process. Petty (2009 p.534) explains this as a four-part process: plan – decide what knowledge would help you to ensure your learners’ are taught effectively; assess – by using BKSB tests which rate the learner against the National Qualifications framework, for example level 2 numeracy; inform – passing the information that you have found to the individual; address – ensure the information is evaluated.
Information will have also been gained from interview/application about any extra support/special needs of the learner, for example dyslexia, or the need to use specialised equipment and the teacher should be aware of additional support services in their area and how to access them. In addition, the environment where the training will be delivered should be familiar – “You need to understand the type of environment you will be teaching in for example college, private company, institution, adult and community, work and practice-based environments” (SmartScreen, the City & Guilds of London Institute, 2002).
The teacher should also be aware of preferred learning styles. Fleming & Baume (2006) outline the four learning styles; “VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinesthetic” they explain. These can be measured with a questionnaire to distinguish a learner’s ‘preferred’ style of learning – a teacher being aware of this will therefore be able to direct the correct and most effective method at the individual. “VARK...