This Is My....

“Whoosh!” The sound of the wind was going through my brown curly hair as I ran on the black cement.   I stopped for a brief moment “Ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh.”   I breathe in huge breaths and breathe out. I have to keep on running I cannot get caught. I start to run quickly all over again, being determined to get to my destination. As I look back I see the other players behind me, I see them catching up. The competitors look as determined as I am to reach that white line. One had pale skin with a blonde ponytail bouncing up and down her back, and side to side as she runs with self-control, her name is Ashley.   The other two look alike, both have concentrated faces on, dark tan skin, and neon yellow shirts on that say their names in bold black letters on the back, Melissa and Jessica.
I accelerate my speed as I think about how I have to get to that white line. My light brown arms move quickly to follow the speed of my feet. It almost felt like was flying off the ground. One meter, one meter left until I reach my goal, the white line. Getting to that white line can solve all of my problems. Winning this race will solve all of my problems.
I heard my mother screaming “Melody” as she held up a poster that said “Keep running, Honey.” About two feet, no one and a half feet to go until I reached that line. I am too tired to keep running but I have to.   I felt my feet are getting all tangled up. “Boom,” the sound of me dropping into the hard black cement. I fell flat on my face. There was a serious pain that was going through my whole body because I thought I broke something. I started to get very dizzy. Everyone was looking very blurry as my head started to spin round and round. Suddenly everything went dark and turns black.
      I heard my name echo in my head as I start to open my eyes to reveal the light hazel color. I find myself in a hospital bed surrounded by many people. My three best friends, Ashley, Melissa,...