Part 1: Summarising and interpreting a table.
The table summarises similar findings by Bandura et al (1963) to find out if children would imitate aggression displayed by various models.
Both boys and girls took part in the experiment and were shown real life and filmed models of varying gender aggressing a large, inflated Bobo doll. A control was used where the participants had no exposure to either the models or viewed aggression.
The results show the average number of aggressive acts performed by children according to model and gender.
Boys were generally more aggressive than girls apart from when they had a live female model. Non-imitative aggression was higher than imitative aggression for both sexes and unusually non-imitative aggression was high in the control model.
Imitative aggression was consistently higher in the experimental conditions than those in the control condition. Non-imitative aggression was higher for girls in experimental conditions than the control model while boys were more consistent through both.
However, boys have slightly less aggression on average with a live female model present and more with a filmed female model.
We can conclude that both boys and girls in this experiment have shown tendency to become more aggressive when exposed to a violent model.
Word Count: 198
Part 2: Short Report
Understanding Children’s Behaviour; Social Learning and Aggression
This report aims to give an understanding of children’s social learning and aggression and trying to determine the effects of media and violence on children. It includes a specific experiment used to determine the effects of imitative aggression in children. It explains how the experiment has contributed to our understanding of children’s aggression. It shows a few of the mechanisms involved and some of the limitations.
We will discuss the research by Albert Bandura, Dorothea Ross and Sheila Ross to better understand our...