Tma 01 E100

How does the curriculum framework you use in your setting influence your early years practice?

My Setting is a sessional registered charity preschool run by a voluntary management committee made up of parents and local community. We are located within a one of the town’s primary schools and feel that this environment benefits the children in their preparation towards school. We support children age 2yr 10 months – 4yrs every day from 9 - 11:45am I believe each child is unique and individual and the setting aim to provide a variety of opportunities for learning to suit their needs in a safe and caring environment. We are a member of Early Years and are inspected regularly by Social Services and Department of Education. In this essay I am going to talk about how the Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education (CGPSE, 2006) influences my practice what I do and how I do it.
Why is the curriculum framework significant? It is a significant document because it is   made up of ‘an organized set of standards and learning outcomes that define the content to be learnt in terms of clear definable standards of what the student should know and be able to do’. ( 22/10/13 09:42).   It gives a clear guidance of the role of the adult and is there to help staff promote good practice by reviewing and developing programmes and learning opportunities that should be provided for the pre-school children (CGPSE, 2006).   Prioritising play-based learning and is child-centred.   (The Open University, 2013).   As suggested in study topic two there are many different definitions and views of what curriculum is and means. ‘In simple terms, ‘Curriculum’ is used to describe what is to be learnt’. (Jones et al., 2012 p.45) I agree with this definition as my feeling on what curriculum means is a planned set of activities set out to achieve educational aims and goals.
In my role as a preschool assistant I activity use the framework in many different...