Tma 02

tma 02 Essay Plan

Outline the claim that consumption creates new social divisions.
Read the notes that I have from Making Social Lives and the relevant audio material

Intro – introduce key point
What is consumption?
A look at how consumerism has developed over the last 150 years or so

Introduce the theorists
Bauman – Seduced and Repressed
Veblen – Leisure Class
Dennis Wrong – zero sum-game
Who the repressed might be

The link between the theorists and the answer to the question that consumption leads to new social divisions.

Outline the claim that consumption creates new social divisions

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the claim that consumption creates new social divisions.
This essay will begin with what is meant by a consumer society. Then moves onto looking at the theories of Zigmunt Bauman (Hetherington, 2009) on who ‘The Seduced’ and ‘The Repressed’ are within our society and the new divisions that have become apparent. Concluding with Dennis Wrongs (Allens, 2009 chapter 2, Making social lives) positive sum game and zero game. As I examine the evidence on social divisions within society, I hope to arrive at the conclusion that the consumer society, in which we live in the UK, is indeed a divided society.
Social scientists define a consumer society as a society in which someone’s identity and lifestyle along with their occupation effect how they consume. How we use services or products that we buy and how these things create divisions within our consumer society, identifying who has the ability and income to consume freely and those who are restricted in their consumption by either income or ability.
Social historians could argue that the idea of a consumer society started as far ago as the late 19th Century. With the birth of the department stores that brought the consumer culture to the masses. The first department store was built in France in 1969, called The Bon Marche. Where many different...