Tma 5 Ed841

TMA 05

Henry is 8 years old. He has fallen behind the progress of the rest of his class in reading. Henry finds it difficult to sound out new words and, when talking, he sometimes mispronounces a word. He also often seems to have difficulty remembering what someone has just said to him. Henry is making good progress in other areas of the curriculum.

Part 1
From reading the information giving in the above text it would appear that some of the DSM-iv criteria for dyslexia are met. The criteria that Henry meets are poor progress in academic subjects compared with classmates, difficulty pronouncing/sounding out new words, difficulties remembering instructions. There are other diagnostic criteria for dyslexia so to determine whether or not Henry does have dyslexia it will be important for him to be assessed by an educational psychologist. If the school have not yet picked the problems up then Henry’s parents should speak to the teacher and also speak to the SENCO teacher at the school.
It may be recommended by the LEA that henry first goes through a screening test to establish an individual learning plan before being referred to the educational psychologist for a full diagnostic assessment (Gates 2003).
Things that the assessor will be looking for when assessing Henry to get a clear picture of his difficulties, will be how he processes things, if he can tell his right from left easily ( 2010). Henry may also be assessed on his single word reading skills, prose reading ability, reading comprehension, reading speed and fluency and spelling abilities (Mutner and Snowling 2008). Please see appendix a for more of the diagnostic criteria that Henry will be assessed for.
Part 2

Part 3
Poor Reading Comprehension an overview for parents and carers
What is reading comprehension?
Reading comprehension is

What is poor reading comprehension?
I am sure that many of you will have heard of dyslexia?   Where children (and adults),...