I currently work as a Senior Key Worker within a Pre-School . My role is for the care, learning and development of children within the Pre-School but specifically for a key group of eight children aged 3 years old. I am part of small team of staff and I contribute ideas during weekly staff meetings. I interact with the children during their play and perform one to one focus activities during each week . I complete short and long observations on children in my key group, which I then use to form the child’s learning journey. During this essay I will explain my role in more depth, the setting in which I work, the curriculum that we work to and my developing practice in reference to the material that I have studied in Block 1.
Our setting is a Pre-School that is an early years provision for 32 children aged between 2 and 5 years old. The Pre-School is set within a modern Church building in the Wales. We are a pack-away setting this means that at the end of each week the Pre-School equipment is put away so that the church can be used on weekends similarly it is set out on Mondays mornings. We have a conservatory attached to the main building which is solely used by pre-school and leading from there a small outdoor garden area The children that attend the Pre-School are pre-dominantly of white british ethnicity, we also have a small number of children who occasionally come from a nearby traveller community. We welcome children into our Pre-School from all backgrounds and religions and in the past have also had bilingual children attend. The Pre-School opens between 9am - 12 noon Monday to Friday, term time only. Seven permanent members of staff work at Pre-School on a variety of mornings, and we also have students who are studying for Early Years qualifications. We follow the revised EYFS framework -DFES September 2012. Following the implementation of the new EYFS we have made several changes to our setting to include the seven...