Tma01 Cleopatra

What do the representations of Cleopatra in film and on television tell us about how her reputation has changed over time?

The image of Cleopatra has changed over time and thus her reputation has changed however the same themes surrounding her image have arisen repeatedly. These repuatations can be seen in the media portraylas of Cleopatra over different decadse and we will look at these representations in order identify any similarites and differences through the media's portrayal of the ancient Egyptian Queen.
The 1917   portrayal of Cleopatra as an alluring and dominant sexual manipulator reflects the change in societal attitudes towards women as they were now being portayed as having power within media representations. In contrast the 1934 depiction of Cleopatra has lost the aspect of sexual maniuplation nevertheless the theme of sexual power is still apparent. In addition in this particular portrayal of Cleopatra it can be seen that her look has been changed in order to suit the Art Deco Era. In addition there is also a consistent image of oriental splendor and luxury that is portrayed through the clothes worn by Cleopatra and within the scenes through the use of props which reflect upon the reputation of the Queen as being luxurious and ostenatious. Therefore from these examples it is clear that elements of Cleopatra's reputation display consistent themes that arise throughout the media portrayals however societal opinions, views, style and fashion at any particular time play a huge part in the representation of the Egyptian Queen.

The 1963 portrayal of Cleopatra displays the Queen as a shrewd stateswoman with an imperious nature and this once again conveys her reputation as a powerful woman. This once again reflected upon current issues and politics in society as the sexuality in this portrayal was a lot less prominent. This illustrates that women were now being seen as equal and could possess the same power as a man without the use...