Training and Development

The strategic approach to Human Resource
1.0 Introduction
Human resource development (HRD) is a part of human resource management system, which includes training employees after them first recruited, providing opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills, and any other developmental activities that are beneficial for both the employee and the company. The concept of HRD was first introduced by Leonard Nadler in 1969. He defined HRD as ‘a series of organized activities, conducted within a specialized time and designed to produce behavioral changes’. McLean and McLean (2001) review different definitions across the world and give the global definition ‘HRD is any activity and process that, either initially or over the longer-term, has the potential to develop employee expertise, skill, knowledge, productivity and satisfaction, whether for individual, or group gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community, nation, or, ultimately the whole humanity’. Gilley, Eggland and Gilley (2002) state the goal of HRD is to enhance organizational effectiveness and it is a dynamic and evolving practice. However, strategic human resource development (SHRD) is adopted by lots of organizations instead of HRD in response to the needs of new economy and the rapid changes coming from technology development (Freeman, Sharp and Walker 1993). The strategic approach to HRD contributes to the organization by enhancing performance in the long-term. SHRD enables organization to combine internal and external knowledge, connect old and new knowledge, and integrate different knowledge to gain sustained competitive advantage.

This paper will focus on strategic approach of HRD. In particular, it will analyze the necessity for employer to adopt SHRD. And how to ensure SHRD strategy is implemented in practice in the aspects of trainers, HR professionals and employees.
2.0 What is SHRD?
SHRD as an aspect of Strategic human resource management (SHRM), concerns...