Training and Orientation
* This training program focuses on the need to deliver the knowledge and content of the SGGEFS Standard Operating Procedures and Employee Manual to the new employee.
* The training program will:
1. Deliver the content in a manner that is both stimulating and memorable for the new employee in the classroom setting through the use of audio and visual aids.
2. Employees will complete a through a mentoring internship where the behavior is modeled.
3. The employee will demonstrate the practices and behaviors for the mentor prior to written evaluation.
4. Ensure that the employee has access to the material and mentor for reference whenever possible.
5. Verify that the employee has retained the knowledge through a written assessment to be conducted after program completion.
* Performance standards are met when the employee demonstrates knowledge of and abides by the procedures and policies contained in the two manuals for one year or at their annual evaluation. If a deficiency occurs remediation and/or coaching and counseling should ensue. Disciplinary action should only be used for negligent acts or demonstrated indifference to policy. Performance indicators are specific and enumerated in the annual evaluation.
* Mentoring Content - The program will be delivered in multiple phases with a goal of completion within four months.
* Phase I – Didactic & Discussion
* The didactic phase will give an overview of the material and why it is crucial to the operation of the organization. Classroom lecture and interactive modules will teach the meaningfulness of the material to the students. The presenter must involve every attendee by calling on the class for prompted discussion. Each policy and procedure item will be addressed and discussed with the class allowing time for clarification if requested. Examples will be used with the...