Try It

Chapter 1 Try It 2
This Try It was a little difficult for me because this is my second year of attending Ivy Tech Bloomington. So when it came to trying to remember all of the process I went through it took a lot of thinking for me. When it came to me deciding where I wanted to go to college, I always knew that I wanted to go to Indiana University. But at the beginning of my senior year of high school I quickly realized I didn’t have the grades to make it into IU. So I decided to not even apply to IU and to try to take a different route into IU and the route was going to Ivy Tech and then transferring once I got good enough grades. So when it came to the process of making decisions on where I wanted to go and how the process happened; there really isn’t much of a process that I had to go through. Other than just getting online and applying to Ivy Tech and then going to see and advisor after I was accepted. I then went to visit Ivy Tech campus to see how I should go about taking classes and what major I am going to go for along with then a short tour of the campus that was about all of the process I went through. In doing this Try-It however I did start to really think about how I should go about transferring into IU and how I should go about it. So far both of these Try-It’s have gotten me to really think about what I would put down as answers and it has made me think about what I want to do with my life outside of college after graduating. So overall I enjoyed going back into time with Try-It number 2.