Understand Health and Safety in Social Care Settings

Understand the responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings
1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a social care   setting

The Health and Safety at work act 1974
Management of Health and safety at work regulation 1999
Working time regulations 1998
Manual handling operations 1993 (amended 2002)
Control of substances hazardous to health 2002
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
Health and safety (first aid) Regulations 1981
Food safety act 1990
Food safety (general hygiene) Regulations 1995
Food safety (temperature control) regulations 1995

1.2 Explain how health and safety policies and procedures protect those in social care settings

These are agreed ways of working, policies and procedures are set out so they so they can protect everyone (i.e. staff, visitors, residents) within the workplace from risk and reduce any health and safety risks such as moving and handling or fire and emergences among many others. These ensure employers and staff meet all legal requirements. Which greatly reduces the risk of for example poor moving and handling which could result in injuries to the person you are helping to move and also the staff member assisting them. Policies and procedures require that regular and up to date training is given and completed and this is the responsibility of the staff and employers and enables the staff to give the best standard of care possible. Policies and procedures should be available at all times for people to able to read through so this enables the person to confirm the appropriate way of resolving or carrying out   tasks without putting anyone in harms way.

Compare differences in the main health and safety responsibilities of:
a) The social care worker
Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and follow companies polices and procedures, use any PPE equipment provided for mine and others health and safety, take...