Understand Legislation and Agreed Ways of Working When Moving and Positioning Individuals

Understand legislation and agreed ways of working when moving and positioning individuals     Describe how legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices related to moving and positioning individuals Every time care workers move or support an individual they are performing manual handling on that individual. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 50% of all reported accidents are from the Health and Social sector and in particular with moving and handling. To reduce the amount of accidents and injury, there is legislation in place to protect everybody. Here are a few examples of legislations: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) - ensures that equipment used is safe and suitable and has had regular safety checks in line with legislation. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - we must take safety and load into consideration These legislations are in place to make sure it is a legal requirement for employers to make sure the health, safety and welfare of their employees is maintained and for employees to have a duty of care for themselves and others. Person centred planning (PCP) - client participation and people centred working practices as outlined in care standards Care plans - ensures uniformity for client Minimises risk Risk assessments - minimises any risks that may arise.     Describe what health and safety factors need to be taken into account when moving and positioning individuals and any equipment used to do this     |
If you look after someone with an illness or a disability, you may need to help them move around.
It's essential that you know about safe moving and handling so you don't hurt yourself or them.
For example, you may find that you need to help an ill or disabled person to:
  get in or out of bed
  turn over in bed
  sit up in bed
  use the toilet
  sit in a chair
  get up from the floor...