Understanding Leadership Styles

| 01/03/2015 | |
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Understanding Leadership StylesTheory is not something unique to academics, but something we all work with in arriving at our attitudes, beliefs and decisions as managers (Mullins, 2002) (i) |
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| | Kimberley Campbell |

Understanding Leadership Styles

This study will investigate the various types of leadership, the roles and responsibilities, the behaviours within the workplace, and how differing leadership styles can have different effects, together with external factors.   Finally, with the use of independent research I will reflect of my own perceived leadership style and that in which my colleagues and peers characterise my direction, understand my weaknesses and strengths and how to develop appropriately.

Just as there are numerous leadership styles, there are just as many influences on behaviour in the workplace; the Organisation, the Environment, the Group and the Individual, however all of these influences are needed to ensure the interaction and smooth running of the business, and all are inextricably linked.
Leadership is similar to, and different from, management. They both involve influencing people. They both require working with people. Both are concerned with the achievement of common goals.   (sagepub.com, Yukl,2006)ii
It can be perceived that there are differences between management and leadership, nevertheless these are often being observed as one and the same thing.   However, they are linked and need to overlap, drawing on the strengths’ of each other. What is leadership?   Essentially it is a” relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or action of other people” (Mullins 2002 253 iii.)   What is management? Making things happen” (Mullins 2002 166 iv)
A leader manages people, whilst a manger manages things, a manager will be aware of the company policy and structure...